Your Dedicated Remote Desktop Servers

Get a turnkey remote desktop solution tailored to your unique business needs along with a reliable technology partner fully committed to your success.

Managed Private Cloud

Tailored and Managed For You

Managed Private Cloud (MPC) is a hybrid cloud remote desktop solution, which combines the benefits of cloud and self-hosted plans. MPC is provided to large companies as a cloud service hosted and managed by ISL Online EXCLUSIVELY for a specific company in a public data center (AWS, etc.) or in a private data center (provided by the company).

Cloud and Self-Hosted Plans Available

On Demand Scalability

Start with what you need. The size of the MPC can be scaled up and down to meet the changing needs of your business. The number of technicians, workstations, end-points and clients is always unlimited.

Security, Control and High Availability

Meet your most rigorous data security and privacy requirements with the independence and control of a dedicated environment, while offering you the ease of use of a cloud. To ensure high availability, MPC is based on active-active cluster configuration.

No Infrastructure and Maintenance

Get instant access to a secure single-tenant cloud without the need to invest in hardware or system operations. To provide a managed private space, we choose only highly reliable and industry-proven data centers with SOC 2 / ISO 27001 certification trusted by governments, financial organisations and other big corporations.

Advanced Customization

MPC offers you the highest level of customization, allowing you to adjust layouts and workflows. ISL Online can transform the remote desktop software to perfectly fit into your existing systems and match your corporate brand style guides.

Offer the Highest Securitylink

Symmetrical AES 256 Bit Encryption

Symmetrical AES 256 Bit Encryption

Your own certificates for encryption

Your own certificates for encryption

ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certified

ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certified

Two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication

GDPR compliance

GDPR compliance

Security and penetration tests

Security and penetration tests

External authentication

External authentication
(LDAP, SAML 2.0. etc.)

Automatic session recording

Automatic session recording

Learn more about ISL Online security

Count on Our Support

We know that fast and quality support is the essence of a great service. You can count on our fast reaction time and real-person support whenever you will need it.

Check our Service Level Agreement

Our Support

Upgrades on Your Schedule

With MPC you will always have the latest upgrades and updates available, but it will be your decision if and when these should be applied to your private cloud. Unlike the public cloud where the updates and upgrades are applied automatically.

Upgrades on Your Schedule

Peace of Mind is a Matter of Choice

Enjoy the agility of the cloud with the peace of mind that our experienced team is monitoring the performance and availability of your network. The same tools, methods and procedures are used as for keeping ISL Online’s public cloud up and running (99.95% uptime guaranteed).

ISL Online Network



20 Concurrent Users


50 Concurrent Users


100 Concurrent Users


500 Concurrent Users

  • Unlimited number of users and devices
  • Desktop and mobile apps
  • All upgrades and updates
  • Cloud computing architecture
  • 24/7 monitoring and remote management
  • Premium support
  • Customisation options
  • All benefits of Self-Hosted solution
Contact Us

Configuration Options

MPC can be configured to fully comply with corporate security policy and other internal requirements related to the remote desktop service. Some of the potential topics to be discussed on a project basis are listed below.

HTTPS Certificate Generic / Own
Hosting (Data Center) Public / Private
High Availability (HA) Single DC / Multiple DC, Geographical Location, Access Rights
Connection Ports 80 / 443 / 7615
HTTP Security Headers Default / Custom
RSA Keys 2048 / 4096
Access Point Layout Default / Custom
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Phone, Email, Authentication Apps, FIDO U2F Security Keys by Yubico
User Authentication Microsoft Active Directory, NetIQ eDirectory, OpenLDAP, RADIUS, SAML 2.0
Integration Options ITSM, CRM, ERP, etc.
Customization Logo, Skin and Text Messages, User Interface Elements and Workflows, White Labelling (OEM)
LAN MPC can be set up in a LAN network without Internet access
Personal Data Full control over the data flow, storage and retention policy (GDPR)
Other Session Recording, Features Restriction, Logs and Accountability, Access Filters, etc.

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